Department of Development
The Jefferson County Department of Development is responsible for comprehensive planning efforts and providing technical assistance to the municipalities in Jefferson County. The staff also provides assistance and preliminary reviews for the Jefferson County Planning Commission. The Jefferson County Planning Commission is a seven (7) member board that meets every two months during the year at 9:00 AM at Jefferson Place, 155 Main Street, Brookville, PA 15825.
Welcome to Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, a premier location for business and industry in West-Central Pennsylvania!
Jefferson County Department of Development is your contact for the resources your company needs to grow in-or relocate to- Jefferson County. Serving the needs of business since 1969, we offer a wide array of services, including finances, site selection, research information, education and networking with economic development, workforce development and international trade.
Jefferson County Department of Development is also the designated Team Pennsylvania agency in Jefferson County, acting as a facilitator for Jefferson County businesses wishing to access local, regional and state economic development resources. To learn more about the needs of Jefferson County companies, we call on local companies and conduct business surveys under the Business Calling Program. To take part in the Business Calling Program, please call us at 814-849-3047 to schedule an appointment for a personal interview.
Browse this web site thoroughly to learn more about Jefferson County and how the Department of Development can help your company grow. If you have any suggestions about this site, or if you would like more information, please contact us and let us know. We hope to serve you soon.
Community Development
Administers the Community Development Block Program, funded by federal money provided to the Commonwealth.
Economic Development
Specialized in planning that enables and encourages economics growth and gains for the county.

Administers and makes available information regarding the County’s Comprehensive Plan.
Property Tax
Listing of tax regulations and rules regarding mileage, property, common level ratio, and others.